Sunday, January 25, 2009

Babysitter Blogatronics

I'm babysitting, it's 1:17am, and the kids' mom still isn't home. Yay getting payed to sit and watch TV . . . and, of course, blog. I'm a little bored, so I thought I'd share a random thought.

I'm watching You've Got Mail right now. I haven't seen it for years, and I'd forgotten how adorable it is, even though it's cheesy . . . it's like the cutest piece of cheese ever. It's making me think I want to do things that, in reality, I actually don't want to do . . . like open a children's bookstore and start an online romance. Plus I love seeing the computers in that movie, since it's at least 10 years old now . . . remember the days of dial-up, when it took forever to connect to the internet and the computer/phone line made weird static-y, crackly noises in the process?

. . . I will now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

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